5 reasons why change management is important for your small, creative business

Do you worry about making changes in your organisation and how people will react?
Do you worry about how organisational change might affect the culture you’ve spent time and care creating?
I always speak to my clients about change management. How will any changes that I help them make will be received by the people in their organisation. Will people embrace it, be a bit wary of it or question it? All these things are normal and you’ll often find there will be a mixed response. It’s natural as everyone is individual and sees things in different ways, that’s what makes your team so brilliant.
This is why change management is important. It’s less about what you’re changing and more about how you’re going to make the changes.
Here’s 5 reasons why change management is important:
Change is exciting for some and scary for others, everyone deals with it in a different way – it’s important to recognise individual needs and support them
Change can be positive and negative – the balance is in trying not to do too much, too quickly and risk losing people along the way or as a result
Change can help an organisation develop and grow – if things stay the same they might stagnate and you risk being left behind or missing out on new things
Get everyone involved in change, ask for their insights and feedback and listen to their ideas – they’ll embrace it more if they’re onboard
If you’ve changed something, tried it out and found it doesn’t work, find out why and try changing it again (it may only need a tweak) or be honest and recognise it may be best to change it back!

Next steps: If you’re thinking of making changes in your organisation and need some support doing so, I can help. Feel free to click HERE to contact me or pop me an email at contact@rachelpbarker.co.uk and I’ll be back in touch very soon to have a chat.